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Angular and NativeScript

Angular is a framework that makes it easy to build impressive web applications faster. It is excellent at building dynamic single page web-apps and supports the MVC architecture. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or the desktop and it can be added to any HTML page with a <script> tag.

Basically its a complete package for developing a front end based application.

Its rich framework adds a spark to any web application with features like.

  • Server-side rendering,
  • Reactive programming support with typeScript(ng-If & async pipe)
  • Advanced styling guide with bootstrap etc.
  • Animations
  • Unit testing


NativeScript is free and an open-source framework uses Typescript at the core. It excels in building mobile apps on ios and android platform. Mobile apps built from native scripts are easier to use and very fast to run as compared to any other OS and various applications, such as the web and cross-platform applications. Native Script is used to reduce the code and quality time of the application loads on the current device and It directly supports angular framework. It uses the approach of “write it once run it anywhere“. It has many benefits over hybrid and apps based on html5. By integrating with the hardware on a mobile device can be done right in the same set of the source code, rather than having to include a custom module in the hybrid app.

Angular+ Native mobile development:

Angular along with NativeScript, one can utilize their existing skills and reuse the existing code from the web to develop mobile applications. Hence, this means no need to develop mobile apps separately for various platforms. All this can be developed with a single platform with the knowledge of single framework that is, Angular. Native reduces the effort to write code for both platform iOS and Android. In short, developing a mobile app using NativeScript will save your time and cost for coding more than two times.


  • Cross-Platform
  • Reusability
  • Quick access to native libraries
  • Open-Source
  • Saves time and cost