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CRM System for Small & Medium Businesses.

Leads – Customer Relationship Management

scideas solutionsCRM system is designed to help you generate and manage new potential business leads. The purpose of lead capture forms is to collect consumer data which you can use to your advantage. scideas solutions CRM enables you to manage as many Leads as you have. No Limit, Always Free, Ideal for Small and Medium Businesses. Get in touch with your lead anytime, anywhere, track all your activities to personalize every contact. scideas solutions CRM Kanban view and customizable LEAD conversion process will help you prioritize your leads and enable you to convert more leads, faster.

Deals – Customer Relationship Management

scideas solutions CRM system Kanban view and customizable Deal pipeline process will enable you to prioritize and manage your deal every step, anytime, anywhere. Link your Deals to the Products & Services that you sell, Simple & Easy. You can instantly refer to proposals, quotations and track deal progress and success probability. Ideal for Small & Medium Businesses. Never lose a deal to a competitor. Win more deals, achieve more revenue, quicker.

Activities – Customer Relationship Management

scideas solutions CRM system is designed to help you engage leads and customers, to make them stay with you. Activities management enable you to get in touch and personalize every contact. Can have any number of activities you can manage, Always Free. You will never miss any events, tasks, meetings, calls with scideas solutions CRM, always.

Dashboard & Reports – Customer Relationship Management
Scideas solution CRM system is designed to help you gain insightful information on your customers. Dashboards could be customized in terms of users and expectations, you can plan, forecast and deliver your target & revenue, decisively. A great help for Small & Medium Businesses.